Richters SafeSecure™ Online Shopping System

Order with confidence on Richters SafeSecure™ online ordering system. Our state-of-the-art shopping cart system is protected from criminals. When you submit your order on the secure server an impenetrable electronic security wall prevents any unauthorized interception of your credit card information, from your computer to ours.

Beware of online stores that offer only partial security!

Many online stores offer only "front end" security between your computer and a third-party web server shared by many users. But if there is no "back end" security between the web server and the store’s own computer, your credit card information could easily be compromised. Don’t be fooled into thinking that the little lock on your browser means your information is secure!

Richters SafeSecure system utilizes advanced cryptographical technology to safeguard your data. We use a leading authentication scheme to secure the front end between your computer and our web server, the same technology used by the major banks and credit card companies to secure electronic transactions. On the back end, your order is encrypted on the fly and and immediately sent in encrypted form to Richters. Data never sits on an unsecured hard drive and never gets transmitted over unsecured channels.

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