
Centaurea cyanus
Uses: Medicinal Duration: Annual
When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall Ease of Germination: Easy
Abundant striking brilliant blue blossoms that flower from late spring into the summer. Excellent choice for cutting and drying. Was once used in the 17th century to sharpen eyesight as well as resolve pain and inflammation, which is why it is found in natural eye drops. Can also be used topically to resolve inflammation and irritation of the skin, often sold as a hydrolate as a skin cleanser. Was also once a source of blue dye. Unfortunately, cornflowers are sensitive to herbicides and for that reason, are beginning to disappear in their natural habitats in native regions. Perfect for butterfly gardens as it is a magnet for pollinators! Plant in full sun to part shade in average, medium, well-drained soils. Height up to 3 feet.
S1896-001 SowNatural(tm) Seeds $4.25/pkt
S1896-001 SowNatural(tm) Bulk Seeds $12.00/10g, $88.00/100g
Currency: United States Dollar

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