Richters Herb Seeds
All our herbs are here. Our herb seed collections are here too.
Available by the packet and in bulk.
Most packets contain 100 or more seeds, even thousands in many cases. Packets priced $5 and up usually have less than 100.
Adonis |
Agrimony |
Ajmud |
Ajowan |
Alfalfa |
Alisma |
Alkanet |
Allheal |
Ambrosia |
Andrographis |
Annatto |
Angelica |
Angel’s Trumpet, Double White... |
Angel’s Trumpet, White |
Anise |
Anise-Hyssop |
Arborvitae, Chinese |
Arnica, American |
Arnica, European |
Arnica, Arbo |
Ashwagandha |
Aster, New England |
Avens |
Bai Zhi |
Balloon Flower |
Balm, Lemon |
Balm, Quedlingburger |
Balsam |
Basil, Bush |
Basil, Aristotle |
Basil, Globette |
Basil, Green Globe |
Basil, Greg |
Basil, Pistou |
Basil, Indian |
Basil, Dark Opal |
Basil, Osmin |
Basil, Prospera Red |
Basil, Purple Ball |
Basil, Rubin |
Basil, Purple Delight |
Basil, Purple Ruffles |
Basil, British |
Basil, Italian Large Leaf |
Basil, Jolina |
Basil, Marseilles |
Basil, Medinette |
Basil, Napoletano |
Basil, Obsession |
Basil, Passion |
Basil, Sweet |
Basil, Toscano |
Basil, Genovese |
Basil, Dolce Fresca |
Basil, Dolly |
Basil, Eleonora |
Basil, Elidia |
Basil, Emily |
Basil, Everleaf |
Basil, Gecofure |
Basil, Gemini |
Basil, Gemma |
Basil, Geniale |
Basil, Nufar F1 |
Basil, Keira |
Basil, Envigor™ |
Basil, Prospera |
Basil, Prospera Pot |
Basil, Crimson King |
Basil, Red Genovese |
Basil, Anise |
Basil, Cinnamon |
Basil, Camphor |
Basil, Cardinal |
Basil, Green Pepper |
Basil, Lemon |
Basil, Mrs. Burns Lemon |
Basil, Lime |
Basil, Green Sacred |
Basil, Purple Sacred |
Basil, Ouzo |
Basil, Persian |
Basil, Punsch |
Basil, Snowball |
Basil, Spice |
Basil, Thai |
Basil, Floral Spires |
Basil, Siam Queen Thai |
Basil, West African |
Basil, Zanzico |
Basil, Wild |
Bayberry |
Beardtongue |
Bedstraw, Yellow |
Belladonna |
Bergamot |
Bergamot, Lemon |
Bergamot, Wild |
Betony |
Black-Eyed Susan |
Bloodflower |
Bluebuttons |
Boneset |
Bo-Tree |
Borage |
Borage, Bianca |
Bottlebrush, Lemon |
Broom, Dyer’s |
Buckwheat |
Bugloss, Viper’s |
Burdock |
Burnet, Salad |
Burnet Saxifrage |
Butterbur |
Butterfly Bush |
Butterfly-Pea |
Buttonbush |
Calamus |
Calendula |
Calendula, Erfurter Orangefarbige |
Calendula, Fancy |
Calendula, Pacific Beauty |
Calendula, Radio |
Camphor Tree |
Cancer Tree |
Candle Bush |
Candytuft |
Caper Bush |
Caraway |
Caraway, Annual |
Cardinal Climber |
Carob |
Castor Bean |
Castor Bean, Carmencita Red |
Catnip |
Catnip, Faassen’s |
Catnip, Lemon |
Catnip, Japanese |
Catsfoot |
Celandine |
Celery, Leaf |
Celery, Amsterdam |
Celery, Pascal |
Celery, Curled |
Centaury |
Chamomile, German |
Chamomile, Bodegold |
Chamomile, Zloty Lan |
Chamomile, Roman |
Chaparral |
Chastetree |
Chervil, Plain |
Chervil, Curled |
Chervil, Massa |
Chervil, Vertissimo |
Chia |
Chickweed |
Chicory, Wild |
Chicory, Coffee |
Chives |
Chives, Garlic |
Chives, Nira |
Cicely, Sweet |
Cinquefoil |
Clary |
Clary, Meadow |
Clivers |
Clove-Pink |
Clover, Red |
Clover, White |
Cnidium |
Cocklebur, Siberian |
Cockscomb |
Codonopsis |
Cohosh, Black |
Columbine |
Comfrey, Common |
Coneflower, Yellow |
Coreopsis |
Coriander, Spice |
Cilantro, Calypso |
Cilantro, Confetti |
Cilantro, Hacor |
Cilantro, Leisure |
Cilantro, Longstanding |
Cilantro, Rani |
Cilantro, Santo |
Cilantro, Pot |
Culantro |
Cornflower |
Cosmos, Chocolate |
Cowslip |
Cranesbill, Meadow |
Curled Cress |
Cress, Wrinkled Crinkled |
Watercress |
Upland Cress |
Cress, Snowdust |
Crown Vetch |
Cucumber, African Wild |
Cucumber, Chinese |
Culver’s Root |
Cumin |
Cumin, Black |
Daisy, Chocolate-Scented |
Daisy, English |
Daisy, Ox-Eye |
Dandelion |
Dead-Nettle, Purple |
Dill, Mammoth |
Dill, Ambrosia |
Dill, Bouquet |
Dill, Compatto |
Dill, Dukat |
Dill, Emerald |
Dill, Fernleaf |
Dill, Green Sleeves |
Dill, Hercules |
Dill, Tetra Leaf |
Dock, Bloody |
Dock, Curled |
Dragonhead |
Dusty Miller |
Echinacea |
Echinacea, Magnus |
Echinacea, Primadonna Deep Rose |
Echinacea, Primadonna White |
Echinacea, Starlight |
Echinacea, White Swan |
Echinacea, Narrowleaf |
Echinacea, Pale-Purple |
Echinacea, Yellow |
Elecampane |
Epazote |
Epazote, Oaxaca Red |
Ephedra, American |
Eucalyptus |
Eucalyptus, Lemon |
Eucalyptus, Honey |
Eucalyptus, Peppermint |
Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar |
Evening Primrose |
Everlasting, Pearly |
Fennel, Sweet |
Fennel, Bitter |
Fennel, Bronze |
Fenugreek |
Feverfew |
Feverfew, White Stars |
Figwort, Chinese |
Fireweed |
Flax |
Flax, Blue |
Foxglove, Purple |
Foxglove, Grecian |
Foxglove, Yellow |
Gayfeather |
Germander |
Giant-Hyssop, Nettleleaf |
Giant-Hyssop, New Mexico |
Giant-Hyssop, Purple |
Giant-Hyssop, Yellow |
Ginkgo |
Ginseng, American |
Ginseng, Siberian |
Ginseng, Java |
Goat’s Rue, Virginia |
Gojiberry, Black |
Goldenrod, European |
Good King Henry |
Greek Mountain Tea |
Gromwell, Chinese |
Guava |
Gumplant |
Hawkweed |
Heartsease |
Heartseed |
Heliotrope |
Henbane |
Henna |
Hollyhock |
Hollyhock, Double |
Hollyhock, Black |
Honesty |
Hops |
Horehound |
Huacatay |
Hummingbird Mint |
Hyacinth Bean |
Hyssop |
Indigo |
Indigo, False |
Indigo, Japanese |
Indigo, Wild |
Ironweed |
Jacob’s Ladder |
Jobs Tears, Chinese |
Joe-Pye Weed |
Jojoba |
Jujube, Chinese |
Kantikari |
Kenikir |
Laceflower |
Laceflower, Graceland |
Lamb’s Ear, Woolly |
Lantern, Chinese |
Laserwort |
Lavender, English |
Lavender, Avignon Blue |
Lavender, Blue Spear |
Lavender, Hidcote |
Lavender, Lavance Purple |
Lavender, Munstead |
Lavender, Vicenza Blue |
Lavender, Origano |
Lavender, Spanish Eyes |
Lavender, French |
Lavender, French Long |
Lavender, Fragrant Butterfly |
Lavender, Spike |
Lavender, Woolly |
Lemongrass, Indian |
Leopard Lily |
Lespedeza |
Licorice |
Licorice, Chinese |
Lobelia |
Lobelia, Great |
Lovage |
Luffa |
Madder |
Mallow, Common |
Mallow, Mauritian |
Mandrake |
Manuka |
Maralroot |
Marguerite, Golden |
Marigold, Lemon Gem |
Marigold, Orange Gem |
Marigold, Red Gem |
Marigold, French |
Marigold, Nema |
Marigold, Mexican |
Marigold, Aztec |
Marigold, Irish Lace |
Marigold, Sweet |
Marjoram, Common |
Marjoram, Sweet |
Marshmallow |
Marshmallow, Erfurter |
Meadowsweet |
Melilot |
Mignonette, Machet |
Astragalus |
Milkweed |
Milkweed, Showy |
Mimosa Tree |
Mint, Menthol |
Mint, Balkan |
Mint, Korean |
Mountain-Mint |
Mitsuba |
Monksfruit |
Moringa |
Morning Glory |
Motherwort |
Motherwort, Chinese |
Mugwort |
Mugwort, Coastal |
Mugwort, White |
Mullein |
Mustard, White |
Mustard, Brown |
Nasturtium, Climbing |
Nasturtium, Dwarf |
Nasturtium, Empress of India |
Nasturtium, Cherry Rose Jewel |
Nasturtium, Black Velvet |
Nasturtium, Alaska Red |
Neem |
Nepitella |
Nettle, Stinging |
New Jersey Tea |
Nigella |
Nigella, Spanish |
Oat |
Onion, Kujo Negi |
Onion, Welsh |
Oregano, Greek |
Oregano, Verde |
Oxlip |
Oysterleaf |
Palmarosa |
Pansy, Horned |
Pansy, Red |
Pansy, Wild |
Papaya |
Paprika, Alma |
Parsley, Blend |
Parsley, Double Curled |
Parsley, Evergreen |
Parsley, Mosscurled |
Parsley, Hamburg |
Parsley, Konika |
Parsley, Festival 68 |
Parsley, Hungarian Flat |
Parsley, Italian |
Parsley, Plain |
Pasque Flower |
Passion Fruit |
Pennyroyal |
Pepper, Anaheim Chile |
Pepper, Ancho Poblano Chile |
Pepper, Bhut Jolokia |
Pepper, Big Jim |
Pepper, Biquinho Red |
Pepper, Bishop’s Crown |
Pepper, Carolina Reaper |
Pepper, Cayenne Chile |
Pepper, De Arbol Chile |
Pepper, Habanero Chile |
Pepper, Chocolate Habanero Chile |
Pepper, Hot Paper Lantern Chile |
Pepper, Hot Portugal |
Pepper, Hungarian Hot Wax |
Pepper, Jalapeño Chile |
Pepper, Manzano Orange |
Pepper, Monkeyface |
Pepper, Peter |
Pepper, Santaka Japanese |
Pepper, Scotch Bonnet |
Pepper, Serrano Chile |
Pepper, Thai |
Pepper, Tabasco Chile |
Pepper, Tepin Chile |
Perilla, Green |
Perilla, Purple |
Perilla, Hojiso |
Peyote |
Pig’s Ears |
Pimpernel |
Pineapple Flowers |
Plantain, Greater |
Plantain, Chinese |
Plantain, Ribgrass |
Pleurisy Root |
Pokeroot |
Pomegranate, Dwarf |
Poppy, California |
Poppy, Corn |
Poppy, Breadseed |
Prairie-Clover, White |
Prairie-Clover, Purple |
Psyllium, Indian |
Queen Anne’s Lace |
Quinine, Wild |
Restharrow |
Rhubarb, Gansu Strain |
Rocket, Sweet |
Rockrose |
Rose, Dog |
Rose, Rugosa |
Roselle |
Rosemary |
Rosemary, Rosy |
Roseroot |
Rue |
Rue, Mountain |
Rue, Syrian |
Safflower |
Sage, Garden |
Sage, Casola Valsenio |
Sage, Extrakta |
Sage, Holyland |
Sage, Painted |
Sage, Prairie |
Sage, Red |
Sage, Silver |
Sage, White |
Sage, Russian |
Sagebrush, Black |
St John’s Wort |
St John’s Wort, Topas |
Saltbush |
Samphire |
Sandalwood |
Santolina, Etruscan |
Savory, Creeping |
Savory, Summer |
Savory, Midget |
Savory, Winter |
Savory, Winter Carpet |
Savory, Winter Lemon |
Schisandra |
Scullcap |
Scullcap, Baikal |
Scullcap, Oriental Blue |
Seabuckthorn, Wild |
Senega, Chinese |
Senna, American |
Senna, Chinese |
Sesame |
Shallot, Zébrune |
Shepherd’s Purse |
Soapwort |
Sorrel, Garden |
Sorrel, Sheep |
Sorrel, True French |
Speedwell |
Speedwell, Silver |
Stevia |
Stevia, Candy |
Stevia, Sweetie Star |
Stonecrop, Caucasian |
Stonecrop, White |
Strawberry, Wild |
Strawberry, Alpine |
Strawberry, White Soul |
Strawberry, Yellow Wonder |
Sunflower |
Sunflower, Maximilian |
Sweet William |
Tansy |
Tarragon, Russian |
Tea |
Tea Tree |
Teasel, Fuller’s |
Thistle, Blessed |
Thistle, Globe |
Thistle, Milk |
Thistle, Silver |
Thyme, English |
Thyme, French |
Thyme, Iberian White |
Thyme, Orange |
Thyme, Spanish Lemon |
Thyme, Spanish Red |
Thyme, Wild |
Thyme, Royal |
Tickseed, Devil’s |
Tobacco, Ontario Bold |
Tobacco, Ontario Light |
Tobacco, Wild |
Toloache |
Toothache Cress |
Cress, Bull’s Eye |
Trefoil, Sweet |
Tribulus |
Valerian |
Valerian, Anthos |
Valerian, Lubelski |
Valerian, Red |
Vanilla Grass |
Vervain, Blue |
Violet, Manchurian |
Violet, Sweet |
Virgins Bower |
Visnaga |
Visnaga, Casablanca |
Wallflower |
Weld |
Wheatgrass |
Woad |
Woad, Chinese |
Gojiberry |
Wormwood |
Wormwood, Fringed |
Wormwood, Sweet Annie |
Yarrow, White |
Yarrow, Proa |
Yarrow, Red |
Yarrow, Sneezewort |
Yarrow, Western |
Yarrow, Woolly |
Yarrow, Yellow |
Yucca |
Zaatar |
Zaatar, Cleopatra |
Zaharena |
Zhi Mu | |