Subject: Stevia Seeds and Plants From You Flourished (Albacete, Spain) Received: Mon, Feb 18, 2002
El año pasado adquirí de su empresa semillas y 6 plantas de Stevia, estas últimas debido a los problemas de importación tuvieron dificultades de aduana pero que finalmente llegaron a mi poder en unas condiciones deplorables, solo imputables a la legislación de la CE. Como ustedes se interesaron por el éxito de mi pedido, yo les fui informando del proceso de recuperación. Pues bien, finalmente se salvaron tres de las seis, y llegaron a florecer. Guardé las semillas y mi sorpresa ha sido que he obtenido unas semillas que son fértiles (después de seleccionadas) en su casi totalidad (ahora tengo un semillero recién brotado). Por supuesto las semillas que ustedes me enviaron fueron fértiles y ya he obtenido de ellas plantas adultas. Les envío este informe para que sepan que sus productos han dado el resultado apetecido.
Por otra parte les agradezco su amabilidad al enviarme el nuevo catalogo emitido que ya tengo en mi poder.
Last year I acquired from your company seeds and six plants of stevia. The latter arrived in deplorable condition due to customs problems, attributable to the laws of the EU [European Union]. As you were interested my success, I wanted to inform you of their progress. Well, three of the six were saved, and they eventually flourished. I collected seeds from them and to my surprise I got some seeds that are fertile (after sorting) and almost all sprouted recently (now I have a seedflat). Of course the seeds that you sent me were fertile and already I have obtained adult plants from them. I send you this report so you know that your products have been satisfactory.
Also I thank you for your kindness in sending the new catalogue that now I have.
Tomás Martínez Pérez, Albacete, Spain
Thank you very much for the feedback. We are delighted to hear that the stevia seeds and plants survived and even flourished after the initial setback caused by the customs delay. As you know, plants shipped outside North America must be shipped bare-rooted which means that they are more sensitive to shipment delay than potted plants. Although we ensure that all plants are properly inspected and accompanied by the proper phytosanitary documentation, occasionally mix ups occur on arrival at the border due to misunderstandings among local customs personnel. Back to Feedback |