Cats and Hyperthyroidism
Answered by: Kerry Hackett
Question from: Reine
Posted on: November 27, 2006

I was wondering if you had any suggestions for my cat as she is taking a homeopathic remedy and I don’t think it’s working. She is not gaining weight. Also how does marijuana affect cats -- and cats with hyperthyroid.

I am assuming your cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism by a veterinarian and was then prescribed a homeopathic remedy by a qualified professional who is trained in veterinary homeopathy. If this is the case, you should take your cat back to the homeopath so they can re-assess and recommend a different remedy (you do not mention which remedy your cat is currently taking). Second, you may find that a good homemade diet makes a big difference to the overall health of your cat. Please see the work of Richard Pitcairn, "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats", "The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat" and "Cats, Naturally" by Juliette de Bairacli Levy and "The Barf Diet" by Ian Billinghurst for further information and recipes. The regulation of the thyroid is a complex matter and beyond the scope of this forum. If you feel you would like to seek the advice of a different practitioner, I would recommend that you look on the website of the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association ( as they have a members’s list.

As for cats and marijuana, I’m afraid I have no experience in this area, so cannot comment.

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