Growing Artemisia annua in Nepal
Answered by: Conrad Richter
Question from: Willow Lama
Posted on: May 24, 2005

I am writing from the office of the Mountain Institute, Kathmandu Nepal. I am searching for information on cultivating Artemisia annua because we would like to get villagers to start cultivating it as a cash crop against malaria. I saw one answer on your site already to another query, but it did not answer my question. If you have any information about the cultivation of Artemisia annua, we would appreciate it. Especially any contacts or leads you might provide on Asian cultivation -- who, where, altitudes, pH, season, etc.

Thanks a lot for your efforts and your interesting site.

We have some pertinent information on our website in the GrowerZone area. Please go to and then select "Resources" and then "Wormwood". You will find several online papers on the cultivation and use of Artemisia annua.

Artemisia annua should do well in Nepal. We do not know what range of altitudes it will grow in, but the plant is generally a robust and easy-to-grow plant that likely can be adapted to mountain settings. It may take some selective breeding to develop an earlier maturing and perhaps more compact variety.

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