Sheep Sorrel for Cervical Cancer?
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Lee
Posted on: November 25, 2006

I found a tea remedy containing sheep sorrel, but I can’t find any information on this herb. Can you tell me what this herb is mainly used for? What else might be good for hot flashes and cervical cancer?

Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is considered to have anti-cancer properties. It is not known if or how it works as an anti-cancer remedy. lt has been used as a cancer remedy for hundreds of years. John Scudder, an eclectic doctor, wrote in 1870 that sheep sorrel tincture "has a very decided action in those cases where there is a tendency to degeneration of tissue", including cancer. The eclectic doctors used sheep sorrel juice as an external remedy for skin cancers.

Sheep sorrel, and all other sorrels, contain oxalic acid, which are poisonous in large doses. In herbal medicine, it is always used in combination with other plants. It is used as one of the ingredients in Rene Caisse’s anticancer remedy, Essiac.

Fresh leaves of sheep sorrel have a cooling action. This could be the reason for their recommendation in hot flashes. For information on herbs used for hot flashes, please see our website Choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then enter "hot flash" for the Q&A search.

Cervical cancer responds well to herbs. There are many factors to consider in recommending herbs and diet for an individual person. If you have cervical cancer, I recommend that you contact a qualified herbalist who works with cancer patients. You can find such a practitioner through the Q&A section of our website. Enter "herbalist" for the Q&A search. The item "Finding a Herbalist" lists organizations of qualified natural practitioners. Some practitioners will work with you by phone, if you can’t find a suitable practitioner in your area. Check the qualifications and experience of the practitioner before you agree to work with him or her.

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